Saturday, 29 October 2011

It's Saturday!

I'm going to upload some of the stuff I've been doing later on, I don't have them on me right now!
There is the miner concept, and I've been working on the wife, and a little bit of the doctor.
I've been working on the GDD, and I'll put that up to!
Also, our working title is great!
The SpinDoctor! ;D

Monday, 10 October 2011


We had a production lecture today, and within this we got a number of things sorted out for the game.
We've came to the conclusion that game will not feature a life based mechanic, because of the style of the game - we wouldn't benefit from it! We had a little talk about the UI, in which everyone was a little unsure on how the game screen would appear for the player, but we seemed to have ironed that out now. We are now just trying to blast through the Concept/Proposal document, which will be in the ruff form on Wednesday.

Games we should play.

I hope everyone has been playing the games I handed out, they are some brilliant games and will help us come up with stronger level designs.

Right now I'm blasting my way through Super Meat Boy again, and then I'm going to play Gish/Braid.
Hopefully I'll have a chance to play The Binding of Isaac to!

First Post

My first post is going to be quite short, I'm just trying to blast through some ideas for the game mechanics so I can move onto working on my game outside of FutureWorks. I'm basically trying to nail these down, and I'm rather stuck on the whole 'upgrade/power up'. Currently I've got: device that allows player to grab the side of platforms, a device that will allow the player to have longer jumping power/sustain longer falls and the main power up of rotation. Also I'm pretty happy with the story that Gina and Jonny have come up with, it sounds like it could be interesting!

Also this looks awesome!