Thursday, 23 February 2012


Hello, this will be my post about the story and that kind of thing. I should have the sketch up stuff done over the weekend when I've moved in and junk. Alright lets get to it!

Like I've mentioned in many other posts I want to clearly show the differences between the social classes, I'm still not sure why this is what I've picked, but it has felt right since day one. The city is split up into three different sections and this will come across within the aesthetics of each section, the atmosphere and how the NPC's will act with each other. The lower down the social class the are is there will be much less security on the streets, but there will be security within some of the buildings, in the same kind of spectrum the highest class section will have maximum security and won't allow any of the slaves into this section, this is due to the technology that is available to the whole city becomes more and more advanced going up the social ladder.

As explained in my first few posts I think it would be a great idea to include some form of focal point within the whole city, I think the Upper District would be perfect for this. This is due to the fact the Upper district is the main source of management for the whole city, and has the most advanced technology known, so the idea of a looming tower viewable from the every point of city. This could create a good sense of power and fear of what the upper class is capable of.

Any way, back to the role of the player within the story. The player is slave, but a deeply respected slave, and is welcomed by quite a few of the cities civilians. You are investigating a murder that has recently occurred within the middle district to one of the slaves, which happens every so often, but this time something seemed wrong. The victim was brutally murdered in the middle district, so the player starts the investigation here. This will begin by the player given a certain NPC to gain information from, however the only information given is the NPC's name. the player will then have to search for the NPC which will be located within a crowd. After gaining the information the player will be then given the next objective which is to locate another NPC for interrogation. While searching for both of these NPC's the player is free to search the level for new items and talk to other NPC's about what is going on within the games city. When the NPC is found, a chase sequence will begin, this will involve the player following the NPC to a location, and then infiltrating the building the NPC has taken refuge in. The player will have the option to go into the building head on, and this will cause a stir with the guards protecting the NPC, and will cause a scene. The player will be able to handle this situation with different methods, instead of taking a head on approach the player would search the near by area and locate a hidden passage into the building. A cut-scene will then take place, this will show the player integrating the NPC, and this will then lead the player into the Slums.

While in the Slums the player will be able to search the given area much like the previous section. (The player will not have full access to each district at this point, only a small section will be available from each district) The player will start this section outside a warehouse that holds more information upon the victim - this was where he worked - they player will have to eanter the warehouse. Upon entering the warehouse the player will have to navigate around the facilty to find the target, the sub-objectives for the part of the level will be to free the slaves that are in captive, and being forced to maintain the levels of energy needed to keep the Upper District running. If the player realeses the slaves, this will have impacts later on the in the game, and chnage how the people will react to the player, and the final appearance of the Upper District. If the player releases the salves this will create a distraction and give the player a better chance of not being caught. The player will need to acces the top floor of the building, and find the owners office, inside the office the player will need to interrogate the owner to find out more infomation about the death.

Also, I moved into my flat guys! I've been off becasue I couldn't afford the feee's for the past two weeks, but I'll be back on Monday :D

Ben, I'll have all the work ready for Monday, I'm super sorry I haven't handed in anything up to now, I'll see you on Monday!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Obstacles, Objectives and other things.

The objectives and obstacles are the main chunk of what the player will interact with and what will push the player though the level. These will have to try and remain fun and don't appear repetitive. The obstacles the player might come into contact with could be a number of different objects and possibly NPC's. The objects could be interactive devices that might give information or rewards for gaining access to. Other obstacles could be locked gates of guarded buildings, these can be accessed by exploring the near by area and discovering hidden passage ways; however these can be attacked head on, this can be done but will provide the player with enemies to fight with minimal abilities to handle such situations. The player will be able to handle enemies on a small scale fight, but with only equipment that will only make enemies unconscious, this will make the player use tactical judgement when it comes to a fight. If the player does manage to take enemies out the bodies will have to be hidden, this is in case a passer by encounter the unconscious enemy, in certain districts NPC's will wake up the enemy. Other NPC's the player might come into contact with will discuss certain subjects that might reveal areas for the player to look into. 

The objectives of the player will be either given by NPC's or through the story motivated objectives, these will be the main chunk of what will drive the player to the different districts, but inside the districts the player will discover NPC's and new objectives that will help the player explore these small sections. These will reward the player will new items or information that will give more depth towards the story and how slavery and technology is having an impact on the split between the social classes. This will be the main theme for the level and for the overall concept that this level is being created for.

The story elements that this level will be focusing on will be only small fragments from the whole idea, these story elements will be in small 'doses' and these will push the player into the next section of the level. Within each section the player will have the opportunity to locate small secondary objectives these won't have to be completed and might involve locating items in later sections. For this level concept there will be minimal secondary objectives, to help the flow of the level. These might consist of breaking and entering into certain buildings or obtain certain objects that will either be guarded or taken from NPC's. The main objectives the player will be given will be to investigate a death, and this would take the full 'game' to play out, so this will be a small section. Within this section the player will need to question NPC's and then gain access to certain buildings to find more information. The player will not have on the end events of this level, but they will be able to play through each section freely, and upon completing a story objective, they will enter a new section with a few small objectives. 

The start of the level the player will be within Middle District and will then move into the Slums. The player won't have access to the Upper District yet. While in the Middle District the player will be talking to NPC's to discover new information about the death. While talking to NPC's the player will encounter some 
enemies and these will be able to be encountered by the player or can be avoided by looking through the environment for new path ways into the buildings. 

The section that brings the player into the Slums will be when the player has completed the main objectives for the first section. From this the player will enter a chase scene in which the player will have to follow a target for integration. The player will wont be able to seen while following the NPC, and will have to hide from guards and take the guards out to finally gain access to the NPC. After this set piece the player will then have some objectives within the section in the Slums. 

While in the Slums the player will have to gain access to certain information stored within one of the warehouses that will have the slaves working inside. While inside this factory the player will have full exploration of the warehouse and can help the salves if the player wishes to, this will be an optional secondary objective. The player might will come into contact with a wide range of different technology while in the factory - the majority of this is faulty due to poor production quality - the player will need to activate faulty machines to cause the systems to break, this will cause a distraction to the guards inside and give the player the opportunity to locate the information and obtain undetected. Upon completing this objective the player will be engaged 'cut scene' or some form of cut scene and this portion of the level will finish.

The next post will have a bit more 'beef' to it, and some scanned in images ;D

Monday, 6 February 2012

Idea, Theme, Atmosphere and Location.‏‏

New post!

For the idea for the level I've been leaning towards short open spaces along a linear path, similar to Batman: Arkham Asylum in which the player was pushed through a linear path, but was treated to small bursts of open game-play, in which the player was free to do as they please. I believe that a approach similar to this would give the player a large feel of freedom within the level, but also push the player through the story. I think that this approach would be easier for me personal to achieve than having a full open world level similar to the HUB cities in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, in which the player was given these huge immersive cities, that I got lost within for hours. From my experience with Deus Ex:HR I want to bring some elements I found interesting within the game, such as the amount of culture and believability within the level, that created an almost living world.

The theme I've been trying to focus on is differences between two different levels of society, the higher class and the lower class. I want to try and give the impression of the difference with the appearance of buildings and try and work this into how the actual level would be played out. While taking photographs this felt even more apparent due to the locations I decided to take on both outings. I looked at derelict and 'trashy' streets and found that these were great inspiration for how I wanted the level to look.

For the game-play this is most likely to played through the first person perspective, this is to try and add more immersion. I think giving the player a range of different methods to tackle enemies would give the player the freedom I spoke about within Batman, and this would hopefully give an incentive to explore the small 'open' sections. For the atmosphere I want to try and have a grimy feel to the sections that will be populated by the lower class, and then create a contrast in the higher class sections giving a more 'crisp and cleaner' feel. I intend on doing this by giving the lower sections more derelict buildings, and following with the steam punk theme adding more abstract and puzzling environments. In the higher class sections I want to still have a strong focus on the steam punk technology, but try and create a more sophisticated appearance and a more straight forward flow to these sections.

The location is very important into how the level will look like with appearance, how the citizens will act, what kind of wildlife will be within the city and finally what the climate will be like. For this location I think I will create a new location with a combination of Liverpool and Manchester, this is because the history of Liverpool would work great with the society differences (Liverpool was a huge part of the slave trade) and the fact that it has its own port is great for appearance. For this new city I'm going to use, I will have the port section dedicated towards the lower class, and will become a form of 'slums', this will be where the majority of the slaves and will live and work, they will be working in factories and this could possibly have child labor (this happened at the Victorian time period). The slums will have buildings that the player can explore, and citizens the player can interact with.

The city will be split a few different 'zones or sections' these each will have their own appearance and will each be home to the different class of citizens. 


The cities slums will be home to the slaves, who will be classed as the lowest citizens. These will be forced into constant work, which can range from just machinery work in factories, to much more disturbing jobs such as prostitution. The luckier slaves will become servants within the second district, and will have easier lives but will still be subjected to hate and violence. The slums will be based around the industrial factories in which the technology that the higher class people use, some slaves will have 'created' their own variants of this technology for their own use. 

Middle District

The middle district will be home to the majority of the cites citizens, these will have a much easier life than some of the salves but small sections will still be subject to poverty. The salves will be allowed within this district, however this will be 'frowned' upon, they will usually allow be within this district as a servant. The citizens who aren't slaves will be working, and have access to some of the lower levels technology, but will be inferior to the technology available to the highest level citizens. 

Upper District

The upper district is the home to most wealthy and powerful people within the city, and this will have the most advanced technology. Slaves will not be allowed within this district, and there will be very tight and abusive security within the district.